TRANSCRIPT: Air Force Whistleblower—I Helped NSA Close Dark Web Trafficking Network (Unverified)

A series of screenshots were posted to the “Exposing General Flynn” Telegram account on December 16, 2021. I extracted the text for easier reading.

  • All of the below is quoted and the information is unverified. It is shared to assist law enforcement, the media, and citizen researchers.
  • “Kevin Flynn” is a pseudonym and does not express or imply a familial relationship with General Mike Flynn.
  • The names listed in the transcript are provided as-is and any allegations belong to the person contacting Mr. Holmseth.
  • Bottom line: You will need to do your own research.

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HOLMSETH: Okay I’m back, listen can you hear me?


HOLMSETH: Ok, What did you say your name… Kevin Flynn?

FLYNN: Yea, Kevin Flynn, well I’m making an assumption on the onset that the call is being recorded because of all of the harassment which you have endure over, whatever, 8 years… however long it’s been. And, I basically found this story when I started actually looking into Montagraph. And, so you know uh I actually, he actually ended up finding out about my life, social media accts Facebook threatening to murder people, and so I was somewhat forced to basically forward all of the information that I had gathered about him to the NSA

HOLMSETH: About who?

FLYNN: About Montagraph.


FLYNN: Ok, and so the reason that I started looking into it because of uh the standoff at the wildlife refuge in OR. And all the videos that he was doing started to make me question him and his actual identity. So, I accumulated probably a hundred pages of information about him and because it got close to my family then I basically had to take a knee and uh, uh, ask the NSA for help. And I’m, I am a federal employee uh not any, not of any intelligence base, formally United States Air Force and uh, I didn’t really want to because you know there’s always, always a fear when you, you know, contact federal agency after the last twenty years of you know of everything that’s going on. But I did it and I got it to the right people and they have begun to shut down the servers that his whole racket operates on.


FLYNN: You probably won’t be seeing anymore videos made by Monty.

HOLMSETH: Is that who was making the videos about my kids?

FLYNN: Yeah, dude, that’s why I made videos at him because I was basically like telling him I’m going to hunt you down and I’m going to stop you.

HOLMSETH: This Montagraph, do you know his real name?


HOLMSETH: What is it?

FLYNN: Dale, Dale uh, he has like a million names, dude, the guy was born in Croatia.


FLYNN: He’s basically … I wouldn’t say he works for the KGB but he is basically a demoralization agent. But he worked the way that he’s able to just sit around and harass people and organized trolling was because he was running kind of an operation where they used dummy credit cards that they could preload with money for people to basically pay-per-view watch [CP] and basically like videos where kids were getting [k—-] and stuff.

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HOLMSETH: Videos where kids where being [k—-?]

FLYNN: Oh yea.

HOLMSETH: So this is like the dark web?

FLYNN: Yea, yea, and I found all the servers and they’ve shut four of them down so far and they’re worldwide.

HOLMSETH: What agency is shutting them down?

FLYNN: Uh, the NSA. They started 5 days ago they raided one of the servers in Northern Virginia

HOLMSETH: The server was in Virginia?

FLYNN: Yea there was a server in Virginia but the main one is in Minnesota where you live

HOLMSETH: Oh really? Do you know where?

FLYNN: I don’t know exactly the location but I gave all of the information that I took to the NSA and so far they shut 4 out 7 down. Have you heard of the seven dwarfs CIA Network?

HOLMSETH: The seven dwarfs?

FLYNN: Yea, that Qs been talking about?


FLYNN: These are the seven dwarfs

HOLMSETH: What are the seven dwarfs? Those servers?

FLYNN: They are the servers. The reason. The reason that I was able to catch Monty was because he came on to Twitter and was threatening all my friends and he was dumb enough to have used all of his art work on his little Twitter page that he made to troll people and he used all of his artwork that is, that is his, I mean his, I would have recognized it anywhere. So then he threw a link to his site so I went to his site and started inspecting it and there was so much malicious activity involved in that site and that then I back traced it to, I back traced it to where the host like what server was hosting his site then I found uh that the server was linked to 7 other servers and I’ve known about this network for a long time, I’ve been hunting it like a madman and he gave himself away. I managed to find it. And the NSA knows Bob Enyart knows, too. They’re about to put him on blast. The NSA knows about Bob Enyart for sure.

HOLMSETH: The Bob… ok. The NSA knows about Bob Enyart?

FLYNN: Oyea. Well, they do now.

HOLMSETH: What, what, what do they know about Bob Enyart?

FLYNN: All of the information that I gave them.

HOLMSETH: I mean, I mean, you know can you like summarize it, like what do they …?

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FLYNN: I had, dude, I had already traced Bob Enyart’s website or to 7th Floor Groups. I did that last year. His site was setup by people that were part of what’s called the Thunder Road Group which was like a MPV conglomerate George Soros

HOLMSETH: Do you know if, was Bob Enyart involved with murdering Jon Benet Ramsey?

FLYNN: He could’ve been there. The Jon Benet Ramsey murder was a MKULTRA basically training session.
HOLMSETH: Yea that’s it, that’s it.

FLYNN: It went wrong


FLYNN: And she ended up dying. I’m pretty sure that Montagraph is probably the one that came there, whatever.

HOLMSETH: Alright.

FLYNN: But Bob Enyart ran his disinformation campaign to distract everybody’s attention to, from actual real leads while they can spoil all the evidence. The reason that Bob Enyart is so interested in the legal, uh the legal decisions and the way that Bob works at [inaudible] with DNA evidence the reason he’s so interested in that is because of all the DNA evidence that that sees

HOLMSETH: Yea I know, yea

FLYNN: The Montagraph symbol, the hand

HOLMSETH: Montagraph’s what?

FLYNN: Montagraph symbol on his channel is the hand that hand is mocking people like telling everyone that it was his handprint that was on the window that couldn’t be connected to anybody.


FLYNN: Montagraph has two people that work with him but he makes this thing through the software he uses to create basically sock puppet control armies he makes it seem like there’s a lot of them but it’s not

HOLMSETH: Yea, I know, yea I know there’s just a few of them

FLYNN: Right so and I am so thankful to God I prayed before I called you that you would answer the phone and hear me out. Because um, you know part of the reason I decided to do what I did is because everything I was reading and reading about you I knew that Montagraph was after you and I’m really good at what I do and uh you know once I set my sight on somebody I had to figure they’re a really bad guy. And I have a real, real hard time letting it fly. And so, um the whole time he was doing Timothy he kept on telling me that I was you.

HOLMSETH: Yea, I know I saw that on the web they said, Kevin Flynn also known as Timothy Holmseth or something like that.

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FLYNN: Yea, yea, and you know, that’s another thing is he’s, he’s, he’s, so lazy dude he has, he doesn’t really actually have any facility like big computers skills like he gets provided software deals to distribute content all that stuff. He’s uh, he’s actually a complete schizophrenic dude he eats poop, he’s really a f—ed up guy.

HOLMSETH: And so, what’s, why did you call me, why did you want to talk to me?

FLYNN: I called you just to let you and also to let you know that uh God, [inaudible] that God basically let us, and I know, talking to ya, and following what you’ve been doing lately, by God’s grace you were able to recover your data, that you know, got basically stolen from you. And that’s why you’re able to be making these videos now and I really hope that it’s like daily that you are under the wing of the Department of Justice or that somebody is listening to you.


FLYNN: I mean, that’s just the, that’s just my analysis of the way that you had come back out swinging and seriously every one of your videos, dude I’m just like, “Dude, this is so awesome! Somebody finally has to listen to it.” You know?


FLYNN: Because dude, I’ve been, I’ve been slaving away in basically like whitlseblower status with this government for a long time and uh, I’ve had a lot of different things uh, same things going on with my family and uh different things with work and people casting dispersions on me while all the while like, my only, my only like want and desire is to like save the children that are being killed by these like f—ing pedophiles man.


FLYNN: So, I mean I commend you greatly seriously.

HOLMSETH: So is Kevin, it’s kind of a dumb…

FLYNN: I don’t commend very many people like this.

HOLMSETH: Is Kevin, I mean this is a stupid question really, but is Kevin Flynn your real name or is that just a name you go by?

FLYNN: No, no it’s a monitor that I have to use because you know I’m in the federal government so I mean I can’t really, you know there’s almost nobody I know that I can trust. You know?

HOLMSETH: So, what made, what made the NSA decide to start shutting down these servers?

FLYNN: Uh, uh that I found them, and I gave them the information. I was, I’ve been providing information to General Michael Flynn and then also…

HOLMSETH: Is that the General Flynn?

FLYNN: Yea, General Flynn.

HOLMSETH: General Flynn, ok. And how did you get the information to General Flynn?

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FLYNN: Open source through Twitter I designed a sort of type of signature…


FLYNN: …where uh I basically pulled uh through, uh certain codes, I told uh the NSA to watch the signature and so then, like you’ll see it’s at the end of your email that I sent you I sent it from Protonmail. Uh, and so, basically, I figured out a way to [inaudible] Google’s algorithms and to be able to get everything that I post like to the very top if you just search that one thing and uh, and it’s been uh, definitely been uh, uh walking, struggling you know with God trying to uh you know get you know the right information to the right people in a way that it doesn’t get me completely you know in trouble, ruin my life.


FLYNN: So, uh, have you ever read any of the Q posts?

HOLMSETH: Urn, yea, I mean, sometimes I don’t have time to actually read them myself, but I’ll watch some of the videos of where others do synopses of them and such.

FLYNN: Right, right, so ok, so what I’m going to tell you is they’re using basically single reach intelligence codes that we used in the military in order to train a pattern of communication so it’s kind of like developing your own [inaudible] so then I as I’m reading it I’m understanding it and so then I begin to develop my own, basically like my own trip code so that people know it’s me. So, then I use trip code to [inaudible] uh Google algorithms that try to censor everything. Well, that can be really stressful so.

HOLMSETH: You still there?


HOLMSETH: Ok, I’m in…

FLYNN: I didn’t, I didn’t hear you say anything.

HOLMSETH: I’m deep in, deep in the hills somewhere and the, the cell phone isn’t always good here, but…

FLYNN: Cool. So, uh, the, the server the main server that this guy used his name is uh, Steve Hyde…

HOLMSETH: Steve Hyde?



FLYNN: He, he host, he’s basically is the guy that made Alienware gaming computers.

HOLMSETH: Alienware gaming computers?

FLYNN: Yea, but he set up a network himself where he was giving contracts to the DOD to be able to host all of the like skunk work projects like Lockheed and Area 51/S4 on his servers, so it became the like the ultimate black operations data vault.


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FLYNN: But now, now DOD knows, and it was basically, it was like basically like Hilary and her people were like backdoor into the entire internet

HOLMSETH: Yea, yea, I knew it, yea, I heard, yea I knew about that. How did, so the D … the DOJ knows now you said?

FLYNN: And uh, uh, in the uh Office of Inspector General with the Department of Justice.

FLYNN: Oh yea, because I emailed them as well. I emailed uh, the appropriate parties and I also uh, I emailed uh all the information to Admiral Michael Rogers.


HOLMSETH: Yea I sent some stuff to Jeff Sessions. Um, so like who’s who is your worst enemy? Like, who do you, who would you say, who is your…

FLYNN: I have?

HOLMSETH: Yea, who is the worst enemy you have?

FLYNN: I have none.


FLYNN: Because nobody knows, nobody knows who I am.

HOLMSETH: Ok, I see what you mean.

FLYNN: but General [inaudible] knows who I am. And Donald Trump definitely knows who I am. He got a [inaudible] that provides him information from me uh who the head IT guy of Twitter was and that he was the one actually responsible for hacking the

President’s Twitter a couple of months back and installing malware into his account but then they can use his twitter account to try to locate him because they were planning to try to kill him in China.

HOLMSETH: And you get, and you’re the one that tipped him off for that?

FLYNN: Oyea HOLMSETH: And you get…

FLYNN: And then, and then uh the guy’s name is Anton Uchinko..

HOLMSETH: Anyan Uchinko?

FLYNN: Yea, Anton Uchinko, and then he hacked General Flynn’s Twitter the morning that Flynn was going to take the plea deal because they wanted to put location on General Flynn after he got done with court. And I just happened to be awake that morning and Flynn’s uh, General Flynn’s twitter account was down and I immediately, you know, got other people involved, and said “hey, we have to like mass like communicate with General Flynn and let him know like his Twitter is like bombed. You know, they’re going to be trying to do the same thing they did to Trump’s you know to track him” so when his twitter came back up and uh it said “just took by the NSA” because when Trump’s came back up it said “the safely at presence global” so then that like a GPS like buzz word that they put you know into like the

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block communication into his phone. And so, then they did the same thing with General Flynn. So, his comes back up and it says the same thing. And then they hacked Jullian Assange’s because they thought he was going to be getting out thought he was going to be on the move, so they know about all of that.

HOLMSETH: So, what do they know about me?

FLYNN: What does who know about you?

HOLMSETH: Anybody, I mean, like why’s it important to contact me?

FLYNN: Uh, I was contacting you to let you know you don’t have to worry about Monty anymore.

HOLMSETH: Has he been arrested?

FLYNN: What?

HOLMSETH: Has he been arrested?

FLYNN: Uh, even if he’s not arrested, he’s not going to be uh being able to have access to his network anymore. And so, that’s basically if you cut Monty off from the computer dude then he knows that’s like end and he’s going to run, but there’s no way that he’ll be able to escape even in desert Colorado.

HOLMSETH: Uh yeah ok

FLYNN: Because he’s connected to Bob Enyart’s church

HOLMSETH: Oh yea ok, well I know the FBI was interested in Enyart’s church.

FLYNN: Oh yea because the church was a front for false flags and basically MKULTRA programming


FLYNN: So, I hope that the information that I shared with you will uh give you uh give you some encouragement that everything that you’ve done, you know, and everything that you know we’re all kind of doing collectively its making a huge amount of difference. I figure that’s why you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing, because nobody like, I don’t want to spend my free time doing this I mean I I spend almost all of my time doing this and I wish that I could swear it off and just actually have like a I don’t know a hobby or something like that but I just can’t I can’t shrink from the responsibility that I have because of the set of skills that God has gifted me with and I can’t in good conscience just be passive and not try to help because I know so much about the problem.

HOLMSETH: Do you want any of the information that you shared with me today, do you want me, to you know, how do you feel about me sharing it with the public?

FLYNN: Uh, you can uh, part of the reason, Timothy, that I did not ever contact you until now was because I did not want to basically stoke uh the… stoke the wrath of Montagraph, this crazy guy, but I didn’t want, I didn’t want to basically make him get mad and take it out on you. I wanted to make sure there was a separation so that you know, any attention that I can take away from you that’s what, that’s what I was trying to do. You know, so, I didn’t want uh, I don’t know, I just didn’t, I wanted to you know try to kind of be the, a buffer between you and this fucking psycho. But the information that I’ve shared with you, I mean, what I would say uh I would say look up some of it on your own and you can follow uh

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basically all of my everything that I’ve researched to be able to prove my point. I have a Steem account.


FLYNN: And you can go there I post everything there and uh it’s a huge amount of information you’ll be able to find the stuff that I’m talking about. And, uh, you know I would say, you know, look into it, you know, look into it yourself, I mean you can you know, you can check it out and see if you think that it’s valid. I know that it’s valid. And you know, I don’t provide information that way until I basically sent it up the food chain, so,

HOLMSETH: Alright.

FLYNN: That’s what I would say. And it seems unreal, I mean it seems unreal to me, I’m, I mean I’m not, you know, I’m not doing this to try to get paid for it. You know, like I just can’t, I just can’t not do it cause I’m really good at it. Plus, I want a better future for my son.

HOLMSETH: Yea, so do I, yea.

FLYNN: Because I really don’t want him to live in this world that I’ve had to live through in like the last 211 years. All of this secrecy and all this, you know, bullshit that you knew in the back of your head that was [inaudible] that you [inaudible] knew that it wasn’t right. But Trump is changing things and I’m so 100% pro Trump. I don’t think I have ever met anyone that is more pro Trump than me. So, uh, I’d take a thousand bullets for the President. So, that’s pretty much what I’m all about. And I don’t have you know, I don’t have any other agenda like uh, I’m not uh I’m not secretive from the right people about what my intentions are.


FLYNN: So, and I’m, I’m sure that you understand that, I’m sure that you know that you have to uh use a lot of you know different kinds of you know, secrecy in different ways to try and uh accomplish what you’ve been attempting to do and I man I prayed for you a lot

HOLMSETH: I appreciate it


HOLMSETH: Yea, it’s been something.

FLYNN: There’s a light now though man. There’s uh now, there’s a, there’s a dawn of justice on the horizon and we’re getting there so it looks good. It’s all good.

HOLMSETH: So you say, so you say that this guy that’s been doing all this crap to me his network is shut down?

FLYNN: Yea, he, he’s shut down and uh, you know, I haven’t even checked today. I might check even few more services of his staff but we shut the one down in the United Kingdom that which was basically that was the big, big, like big one connected to everything. So, um, you know, they definitely got this network from him so the tides turning. Alright, Timothy?

HOLMSETH: I sure, I sure appreciate the call.

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FLYNN: Ok. Can I, uh, can I pray? Can I pray for you?


FLYNN: Jesus, thank you that me and Timothy have been able to connect. Just thank you that you uh put us both uh on these different paths and uh, that you helped us lead together with You. We pray that you would let us just be a banner of protection over both of us and just pray that you would guide the information that we collected to the right hearts and minds who are faithful to you, and just pray that like nothing that we’ve done [inaudible] and I just pray that you just continue to uh, uh, lead our hearts toward your will dear Lord, and not our own. And just pray that uh, pray that uh, that the sacrifice that we made will pay off in the protection of children going on into the future. In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen

HOLMSETH: Amen, my friend. Thank you

FLYNN: Ok man take care

HOLMSETH: Yea, thanks a lot. Have a good one.

FLYNN: But we, we could definitely stay in touch through email. If you have a question, just email me.

HOLMSETH: Ok. I’ll do.

FLYNN: Ok, man.

HOLMSETH: Thank you, sir. Bye-bye

FLYNN: Ok, thanks. Bye.

Transcript extracted by Dr. Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal. All opinions are the author’s own. Public domain.